Commercial law

Currently, the entrepreneur must take into account two formal dimensions in his or her business activity.

First, it is necessary to properly secure transactions pursuant to private law – through appropriate professional preparation of an agreement, model form of an agreement or regulations, through application of adequate assurance against effects of non-performance or improper (untimely or partially defective) performance of an agreement by a counterpart which allows for effective enforcement of rights that arise out of the agreement. The entrepreneur must calculate into his projects all the risks related to unreliability of his counterpart as well as to the factors of chance, taking them into account in agreements with his counterparts.

Second, when carrying out business projects one must take into account the existing public law regulations that– depending on the line of business – may arise out of provisions of energy law, building law, food law, education law, pharmaceutical law or the law on measures – and have vital impact on the viability of the undertaking and its business risk as well as the wording of the agreement with the contractor.
One of the basic tasks of the law firm is to perform legal risk analysis, assess the impact of legal regulations on transactions carried out by our Clients and establish appropriate legal security of our Clients. Irrespective of our Clients’ line of business, there is always a need to develop agreements adjusted to specific requirements of a given project, including negotiations of agreements proposed by trade partners. In each case, we help prepare original draft agreements or other documents that take into account the specific, individually identified needs of our Clients. We have given opinions on a number of specialist agreements concerning, among others, use of real property (lease, rental, letting for use), specific work contracts, building works contracts, delivery agreements for goods and services, leasing agreements, licence and copyright transfer agreements, scientific research commercialisation agreements, investment agreements, consulting or accounting services agreements, Web site development agreements, loan agreements, surety agreements, articles of association, agreements of sale of shares, employment agreements and others.

By providing support in negotiating and concluding specialist agreements, we are offering our professional expertise and advisory services regarding rights and obligations arising out of public commercial law provisions which establishes legal environment for business activity. To entities operating in the energy sector, we offer support of people with scientific and practical expertise in energy law. In a similar vein, services for food sector manufacturers are provided by persons conducting professional practice and scientific research in this area. We perform analyses of rights and obligations arising out of building law provisions and land use provisions. Entrepreneurs who operate educational institutions are provided assistance in education law. We are also providing advisory services in many other specialist areas of law, employing, when needed, the expertise of research fellows in university faculties of law that cooperate with our law firm. To acquire detailed information on areas of law where we can help you with assistance of a specialist please contact us at


Nabycie nieruchomości w toku licytacji komorniczej

Art. 999 Kodeksu postępowania cywilnego (k.p.c.) reguluje zasady przejścia własności nieruchomości na nabywcę po dokonaniu przysądzenia własności. Postanowienie o przysądzeniu własności ma charakter konstytutywny, tj. przenosi własność nieruchomości będącej przedmiotem egzekucji.


Szkolenie o mediacji

22 września 2015 roku mec. Sławomir Jakubowski z naszej Kancelarii uczestniczył w szkoleniu pt. „Mediacja – nowoczesna i efektywna droga rozwiązywania sporów pomiędzy przedsiębiorcami” organizowanym przez Konfederację Lewiatan w ramach projektu „Centra Arbitrażu i Mediacji”.
